Regular CBT or EMDR appointments.
1 - 1.5 hour appointment to understand difficulties and develop an initial treatment plan. Session price includes assessment report if required.
50 minute appointments at mutually agreed location or via online video conferencing platform (Zoom).
Session number indication* to be given at initial assessment.
Shorter appointments may be available by special negotiation at pro-rata rate
50 minute appointments at mutually agreed location or via online video conferencing platform (Zoom).
Sessions to offer parents advice and strategies to support their child's mental health in role as "co-therapists". Sessions can be stand alone or alongside therapy for child.
Shorter appointments may be available by special negotiation at pro-rata rate
Available on a range of topics and to a variety of settings. To discuss your needs please contact us. Below is a list of some of the workshops provided.
A 2 hour workshop outlining the introductory principles of Mindfulness in the context of ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) with practical ideas and experiential learning. Workshop can be for 5 - 25 participants.
Series of group (6-10 participants) workshops aimed at adolescents who are struggling with difficult emotions or stressful situations, introducing the principles of Mindfulness using skill development; Awareness of attention, Acceptance of emotions and mindful Action. Program delivered over 4 weeks. Sessions are 1 hour long. Discount available for those accessing individual therapy with Light Psychotherapy or for group bookings.
* An indication of session numbers required is based on evidence base for different client populations, problem types, therapy modality and therapist's own clinical judgement. Whilst every effort is made to make an accurate estimate regarding session numbers required, this is not a guarantee.
Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, and after careful consideration of recommendations from the BABCP and other professional bodies, Light Psychotherapy is currently only offering appointments via video session. If you would like to discuss face to face therapy, please do make contact, however in order to safeguard you and us this may not be possible until guidance has changed.
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